Narva Museum. Edition 18.2017


Former whales of Narva – fortress, trade, industry. Studies on the history of the Narva region.

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SKU: NMUU776 Category:


Merike Ivask. Former whales of Narva – a fortress, trade, industry. Introduction
by Kaur Alttoa and Villu Cadacas. On the construction of the eastern wing of the Narva Castle
Aleksey Melnov. Narva trace in the siege of Vyborg in 1710: the history of everyday life in Narva in the
autumn of 1709 in the spring of 1710.
Vadim Svyatkovsky. Formation of the Narva trade order in the first half of the 18th century
Katri Raik. Narva and its people Nathaniel Vraksall
Irina Solodova. Ludwig Johann Knop – “Russian and Estonian Rockefeller”
Maye Pihlamyagi. From a dye-house to a major textile enterprise:
activities of the Vill joint-stock company in 1921-1944.
Henry Kouningas and Madis Tuuder. From uranium to Yuku: machine plant “Baltiets” in Narva
Elena Howarth. Artistic finishing fabrics of the Krenholm manufactory, 1970-1980s.
on the example of the work of the artist on fabrics Natalia Kapaeva

Articles in Estonian, summaries in Russian and English, 236 pages.