Narva Museum. Edition 21.2020


Castle. Bastions. Exchange. Studies on the history of architecture in Narva.

SKU: NMUU1153 Category:


Merike Ivask. Lock. Bastions. Exchange. Introduction
by Kaur Alttoa. The history of the formation of the Narva Castle on the basis of the research works of 1984-1987 by Kaur Alttoa and Villu Cadacas. On the history of the construction of the East Wing of the Narva Castle
Ragnar Nurk. Narva bastions of the Italian system against the fortification-historical background of Europe
Ragnar Nurk. On the project of the Narva bastions by Erik Dahlberg and its fortification-historical preconditions
Ann Küng. Narva stock exchange as a symbol of its era
Svetlana Andreeva. Restoration work in Narva Castle in the second half of the 19th century

Publication in Russian.