Merike Ivask. Introduction
Tatiana Klimina. From the history of the Narva Museum. 1863-1950
Galina Smirnova. From the history of the formation of the collection of ceramics in the collection of the Narva Museum
Svetlana Andreeva. Stone fragments of architectural details of buildings of the 17th century in the collection of the Narva Museum
Galina Sinyakova. Church bells from the collection of the Narva Museum
Vadim Bulatnikov. Narva medal 1904
Elena Sokhrannova. Artistic fabrics of the Krenholm manufactory.
Aili Vester. All for the fight against alcoholism. Temperance movement in Narva 1890-1917
Andres Toode. From the city center to the outskirts: plans for the restoration of the old city of Narva and reality from the post-war period to the present day Merike Ivask, Andres Toode. Drawing up the concept of the exhibition. Collection of material on the example of the exhibition “Vabadus
algab iseendast” (Freedom begins with oneself)
Articles in Estonian, summaries in Russian and English, 222 pages.