Book “Indrek Kõverik: Mu silmud. Topelttosin silmutoit”


Lamprey is a true delicacy during its prime fishing season in autumn. In Estonia, lampreys are served grilled over charcoal or even on pizza. In Narva-Jõesuu, Eastern Estonia’s “lamprey master” Indrek Kõverik has presented a book dedicated to the tradition of preparing lamprey, written in three languages: Estonian, Finnish, and French.

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“Why lamprey? I like that, in my mature years, I have realized that one should primarily do what brings joy—of course, sometimes unpleasant things must be done, but fewer of them. For a long time, I was frustrated that lamprey was only prepared marinated, grilled, or, at best, smoked. Frustration is certainly one of the driving forces in life. That is why this book came into existence: as a liberation or a surprise.”

— Indrek Kõverik, lamprey master

The book is available in Estonian, Finnish, and French.