Narva Museum. Edition 4.2005


A collection of scientific articles published by the Narva Museum is devoted to religious topics.

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SKU: NMUU012 Category:


The authors of publications offer readers the following materials: Dominican monasteries in Estonia, Orthodox parishes in Ingermanland during the period of Heinrich Stahl’s superintendentship, Narva Anglican parish, history of the Narva Church Library, construction and architecture of the Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God. Also published comments on the manuscript of G. Ganzen “Information about the Greek-Russian churches in the city of Narva” (1861).


• Merike Ivask, Galina Sinjakova: From the history of religious life in Narva
Jaan Tamm: Dominicans in Estonia, their monasteries in Tallinn, Tartu and Narva
• Piret Lotman: Ideals and reality. The conversion of Orthodox believers in Ingerimaa during the superintendency of Heinrich Stahl from a religious point of view Enn Küng: Anglican congregation in Narva in the last decades of the 17th century
Sirje Lusmägi: Narva Church Library story
Andrei Ivanen: Church of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos in Ivangorod Fortress

Proceedings are in Estonian, with summaries in Russian and English.