Narva Museum. Edition 15.2014


Border and River – Border River. Studies on the History of the Narva Region.

Rivers have always been boundaries and paths of connection. The Narva River visualizes – perhaps better than anywhere else in the world – the meeting and confrontation of Western and Eastern cultures. Along the Narva River, which separates two castles, for centuries passed the border between two worlds, or at least between the Western and Eastern churches.

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SKU: NMUU2047 Category:


Merike Ivask. The Border and the River – the Border River. Introduction
Andres Soome. The Narva River as a Strategic Obstacle
Ragnar Nurk. Italian-type Bastions of Narva in the Context of the European History of Fortification
Aleksei Melnov. Influence of the “Little Ice Age” on the Course of the Northern War on the Ingrian and Livonian Arena of War in 1701-1704
Marge Rennit. Narva and Ivangorod: Cities on the Border of Two Worlds. Based on Travel Essays of the 18th and 19th Century
Meelis Ivask. Tasks of the Estonian Border Guard in the Defence Plan of 1939
Marina Kuvaitseva. Commonness of Ancient Worshipping in the Estonian and Russian Cultures: the Case of Winter and Summer Solstice Festive Rituals
Tarmo Pikner, Merilyn Metsar ja Hannes Palang. Scattered Urban Landscape: Allotment Garden-related Practices in Narva
Merike Ivask. Exhibition “The Border River” About Preparing the New Permanent Exhibition of Narva Castle

Articles in Estonian, summaries in Russian and English, 270 pages.