Narva Museum. Edition 17.2016


The Space Around Us. Studies on the History of the Narva Region.

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SKU: NMUU2085 Category:


Merike Ivask. The space around us. Introduction
by Külli Kuusik. Narva physicians of the second half of the 17th century
Ilya Davydov. 9-inch coastal mortar model 1877. History of one cannon in the Western courtyard of the Narva Castle
Peeter Tambu. Interview with the former chief architect of the city. Peeter Tambu, chief architect of the city of Narva in 2008-2015
Merike Ivask. To vacationers with all my heart – Narva-Jõesuu. About the forthcoming book of the Narva Museum
Joosep Metslang. On the documentation of Panteleev’s villa in Narva-Jõesuu at
the Estonian VERNADOC architecture camp in 2014.
Toomas Paaver. A retrospective look at the competition for the architectural design of the Narva Castle
Alexey Lipatov. An early page in the history of the Ivangorod fortress. Some results of
archaeological research in 2004
Irina Mironova. From the history of the Ivangorod fortress and restoration work in 2007-2013.

Articles in Estonian, summaries in Russian and English, 208 pages.