Narva Museum. Edition 5.2005


The collection of the conference provides an overview of the original settlement, the emergence of the cities of Pärnu, Tartu and Narva, the rights of the city; the question is considered: what is considered the birthday of the city, especially Narva?

19 in stock

SKU: NMUU023 Category:


Anton Pärn: Urban population in an early urban institution against the background of archaeological source material
Arvi Haak: About the formation of the city of Viljandi mainly in the light of archaeological sources
Aldur Vunk: Pärnu, Uus-Pärnu and Vana-Pärnu – three cities in one place 13.-14. centuries
Malle Salupere: Russian Letopissis and Tartu
Tiiu Oja: From the oldest written sources in Tartu
Enn Küng: Narva’s city fair in the Middle and Early Modern Ages
Katri Raik: Why celebrate the birthday of the city, especially Narva?

Edition in Estonian with output in Russian and English, 78 pages.